Domain Mapping

Domain Mapping

To add a domain name to your admin area is easy. Lets go to a sub site which has it own domain to map.

Admin –> Tools –> Domain Mapping




In here you can add the domain to be mapped to your sub site. Once you click add then that’s all you need to do from WordPress.



A Record & Cnames

For the purpose of these instructions we will assume you are doing this through cPanel, however if you are using a different panel or managing the DNS with the domain name registrar then the principle is just the same, the method of adding it might be a little different.

If you cannot manage your own DNS then you would need to discuss this with whomever is currently managing it.

Even people on cPanel might not have access to the Simple and Advanced DNS options, this depends on your hosting provider. If you point your name servers to your host then it can be managed by your host or your cPanel. Again if you don’t have access, then ask your host.

CNAMEs are used for sub domain mapping. i.e. you want to map to

A Records are for mapping TLDs aka Top Level Domains. i.e. mapped into

First we will handle a CNAME:

We will do this through Advance DNS, so click on that.



Select the domain from which you would like to enter a CNAME



Now fill in the form.




Name: the sub domain to be mapped. So

TTL: You can set this to 14400. If you know what you are doing then please feel free to adjust this.

Type: CNAME of course ;-)

CNAME: Where it is going to, in the example above, we use

Easy Peasy huh!

For A Record – Top Level Domains we go through the same process, except you will most likely already have the A record set (unless in instances where the domain is registered but not pointed anywhere)



So If its there click on EDIT for the main A record, and change that IP address to the dedicated IP for your Multisite install.

If you are setting up A record for the first time then the type is “A” A Record. Then rather than entering a CNAME it will be the Address field, which is for the IP Address.

If you need help, please reply below.

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